Monday, December 23, 2013

If Only 40 Seconds

A blog post is being shared around Facebook, the post is about what it's like in an orphanage.  Before I go on, I would like to know what you think life in an orphanage is like?  When I say orphanage, what is the first picture that comes to mind? Please, share it with me in the comments below.

Most people think that orphanages are these big "group homes" filled with nannies that love the orphans, plenty of food, and toys to go around, warm blankets, nice beds.  In reality this is nothing close to the truth. In Eastern Europe orphanages are a hell on earth, the kids are starved, malnourished, beaten, and ignored, there are no toys, no food, no blankets, no nice beds, no love, but instead soiled diapers, blistered bottoms, orphanage staff that beat the kids, and some even find joy in hurting this innocent voiceless kids.  You think I'm joking? Maybe you think I'm making this up?  I'm not.  This blog post, that I talked about above?  Has a video of one of the orphanage's staff, or maybe even their director, whipping these children that looked to about 7 or 8.  

As she relentlessly whipped these children, she laughed and smile with each scream.  I made it through about 40 seconds of this video, before my heart was no more.  Faces repeatedly flipped through my head, my heart beating so fast, a pain in my chest that was from anger, and sadness, helplessness, and anxiety.  Hundreds of thousands of children, being abused, beaten and neglected, day in and day out, and their abuser laughing with joy as these children pleaded with their screams, hoping she would stop, and there is absolutely nothing I could do.  I wanted to jump through my phone, and wrap my arms around those precious kids, protect them from the evil woman that was so relentlessly hurting them!  

I still can't get those 40 seconds out of my head.  How twisted do you have to be, to turn around and laugh into the lens of a camera as you are beating innocent children?  Children that have no voice, they can't speak up, or run for help.  I pray that God would change the hearts of people like those.

This still leaves me wondering, what can I do?  How can I give these children a voice?  How can we Chosen To Bless give these children hope, and a way out of the hell the currently live in?  There are hundreds of advocates that are rallying together, finding families, funding families, building these children's grants, blogging/praying for these kids, but it doesn't change the now.  While we rally and raise money, the kids are still beat daily, they are still starved, and cold, neglected.  But the grand thing is that God says:

"O Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted; 
you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear
to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed,
so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more." 
Psalm 10:17-18 

That verse shows us that one day, those kids who have been beaten, neglected, and hated will have justice brought into their lives.  They will be rescued, and there will be no more hurt, their abusers will no longer be able to strike terror on this earth.  With God's help, we will rescue these little ones.   

You are probably wanting to know what blog post I am talking about, I will link it in the bottom of the post.  But I warn you, your heart will no longer be whole, it's a heart wrenching video, but I feel that everyone needs to see it, even if only 40 seconds.  

Although it's heart wrenching I feel that it's important for everyone to watch.  I think that not everyone understands just how horrible orphanages are, I don't think they quite understand that innocent children, are forced to live in these conditions, these kids, they have no choice.   

Kids like Della, live in those kinds of conditions, and soon Mick will too.  Mick turns 4 in July of 2014, he will be transferred to an institution, where he will have to fight for his precious life.  

I'm not sure what else to say, my heart hurts, and I hope that once you have watched the video you will be moved to do something.  Don't turn away, and shrug it off, these are real kids, real problems, that are happening today, right now, and you always have the opportunity to do something about it. 

The video is at the end of this blog post. 

So will you do something?


Friday, December 13, 2013

2014 Chosen To Bless Fundraising

With 2014 approaching, the Chosen To Bless team is trying to map out what 2014 is going to look like for fundraising.  We are in need of 6 families and/or organizations to fund-raise for this coming year.

We will be planning different fundraisers for different months, those details are not available at this time.  If you are an adopting family, or would like to nominate a family for 2014 Chosen To Bless fundraising, please email us @ ChosenToBless (at) hotmail (dot) com with the name of the family, as well as their blog link, and/or FSP (Family Sponsorship Page)

If you would like to suggest an organization for 2014 Chosen To Bless fundraising, please email us with a link to the organization and a small summary about the organization!

We are extremely excited for the upcoming year, to see what God has in store for the three of us, as well as who will end up blessing!

The months that are currently available, for families to be fund-raised for are listed below:







Please choose the month that you would like to be fund-raised for, according to your adoption timeline.

Thank you, for being wonderful!
Alyssa, Kaitlyn, and Madeleine

Friday, December 6, 2013

New Chosen To Bless Team Member!

Some of you may have seen our Facebook post last night.  We will be making some big changes to the blog, and we think that you all will be very excited with the newest "change"!

For a while now Kaitlyn and I have discussed adding a new team member to Chosen To Bless, but we just didn't seem to find the right person.  Well we prayed about it, a lot, and figured that God would bring us the right person in His perfect timing!  Let me just say that God is always faithful, always, even in our darkest hour, even when we feel burnt out, He is always faithful!   God recently brought the person that Kaitlyn and I had been praying for, into our lives.  We both knew from the beginning, when we very first met this sweet girl, that she was a God send.  

We were hesitant for a while, afraid that if we added her to the team, and things went wrong we would have to change everything about the blog again.  But as we got to know this sweet girl, more and more, we realized that she is exactly like Kaitlyn and I, and that she has the same passion and love for orphans as us.  Last night we decided it was time that we obeyed God, and ask this sweet girl if she would like to join our team!  We were ecstatic when this sweet girl said "Yes!"  she was so filled with joy and so blessed, but I think that Kaitlyn and I have been more blessed by her, and her sweet heart, in the short time we have been friends!  

I think this is the part where I am supposed to tell you guys, who this sweet girl is, but I'm not going to. Mean, I know. ;)   I will let her write her own post, and introduce herself.  Because I want you guys, our trusty followers, to experience just how sweet she is.  I guarantee that you guys will love her, and I know that she will continue to be a blessing to Kaitlyn, and I , but also the families we fundraise for. :) 

So please keep checking back, hopefully in the next day or two she will have a post up!  Lets welcome her to Chosen To Bless with lots of love! :) 

As always we love you guys, and are really thankful for your support! 
Have a blessed day! 

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Other Side

Angel Tree officially started on November 1st, and many warriors have been scrambling to raise money for their Angel Tree Child!  It is so exciting to see everyone rally together to raise funds and awareness for these kids!  It's truly a beautiful picture, when all the hands and feet are moving together, to help rescue these little ones!

Kaitlyn has so far raised $130.50 for Mick!  She is doing really well, and has been making Facebook cover photos and selling them to raise her funds for Mick! I love seeing her so diligently work to raise this money for Mick, she really loves him!  As for myself I have only managed to raise $4.50 for George.  It's an extremely small amount, but I'm still thankful for it.  I'm praying that people have open and generous hearts this Christmas season, and are willing and able to donate to an Angel Tree child.

I would like to ask you guys to pray for myself in these coming weeks, I will be leaving on Wednesday morning to venture with an adopting family to bring home their little ones from Bulgaria!  Yes, it's an extremely amazing opportunity and I am more than thankful that I can go!  I will be gone for about 10 days, on what will be the most amazing experience of my life!   I ultimately get two beautiful blessings in one, because I get to meet my very first Angel Tree child Keith, who has now been home for over a year and is thriving and growing in a beautiful family!

What an amazing transformation huh?  I'm excited to meet Keith, and the rest of his family! Like I said before, this is a HUGE blessing!   It's every advocates dream to be able to see the "Other side" of the whole adoption process.  We see the pictures, and the waiting kids, we see the dedicated warriors, and families fighting to get these kids home, but we don't usually see the other side of things.  We don't see the inside of the orphanages, or the hundreds of kids laying in cribs, the kids that don't get the blessing of being listed on an adoption photo listing, we don't get to see the horrible state that these kids are forced to live in.  So for me to be able to see this, and have my heart break for the same things that break God's heart, I am blessed.  I am blessed to be broken, and moved in such a way that drives me to make change.  

So I recommend that you keep checking back to see my post on the trip, and lots of pictures!  Also, consider donating to Mick or George, while I'm out of country I wont be on the blog or Facebook much so I can't fund-raise for George!  So I need you guys to help me out! :) 

Thanks for being beautiful!  We love all of our followers! :) 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Meet Little Man, Mick!

Hello!  First off let me open this post with an apology.  I'm so sorry for not writing on our blog more often.  I have been extremely busy over the last month.  I'm going to try my hardest to write more on our blog and Facebook page also on our Twitter and Instagram.   :) 

I'm not sure how many of you are aware of this or not, but I am officially Mick's official Angel Tree Warrior this Christmas season!  That means I have to raise at least $1,000 before Christmas day.  The money goes into his adoption grant.  Which is leading him one step closer to finding his forever family.

I guess I should really tell you a little more about Mick before I go on about the goals and how much I love him.   You should at least know who he is!  

Mick is an adorable 3 year old orphan with Down syndrome.  He's located in Eastern Europe.  He's been listed for a long time and still remains an orphan that gets little attention.   Or use to!  I'm about to change that.  I have created a special blog just for him!  I've been writing him letters that I will one day send to him when his hopeful adopted parents find him and bring him home forever. :)    I've also began collecting a couple little things for the keepsake box I have for him.  The keepsake box will be sent to once his forever family has him.  It symbolizes that someone loved and thought of him before his forever family came to his rescue.    
I became a Prayer Warrior for Mick back in May 2013.   My love for him is so special.  I love this little boy like he's a brother to me.  And that could be because I have 8 little brothers of my own and so I put them in Mick's spot to picture it that way.  It gives me the love and passion to always stand up and fight for him.  
He holds a very special place in my heart and I pray daily that the Lord will bless him with a forever family soon.  And that He will provide the $1000 I need to reach the Angel Tree goal.  


So here are some ways I'm currently raising money for Mick.  

And now for the mega fundraiser! Alyssa and I are planning one huge auction for both "our" boys.  Mick and George!  But since we don't have jobs and are busy with our families we depend on small businesses and followers donations to get items to auction.  We want this to be a huge event that brings a good amount so that we can split it between the two of them.  (Alyssa is also an Angel Tree Warrior for George, in case you didn't know) 

I have honestly never been so determined to reach a goal in all my life!  I want to raise $1,000 for this boy!  I want to find his forever family!  I want him to feel love and hugs!  He doesn't deserve to be inside a rotten old orphanage with no one to care for him.  He should have a lovely mother and father to love all over him.  He will be blessed to have a forever family one day, but really it's the family that will find him that will forever be blessed.  He's absolutely precious in every single way.   

I hope that you now know a little more about "my" little man, Mick.  

I appreciate you taking your time to read this post.  It means so much to me!  

If you are interested in donated to our future auction please comment and leave us your email address.  We'd be SO grateful for any donations possible.   

Please keep Mick in your prayers.  Thank you! <3

 - Kaitlyn 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Angel Tree, Angel Tree, Angel Tree!

I'm not sure if Chosen To Bless has ever done Angel Tree before, but if we have please remind us! ;)  Angel Tree is such a fun opportunity that comes around each Christmas season, and runs throughout the season.  It is put together by Reece's Rainbow, and so many people love it!

Angel Tree is a fundraising opportunity for the children to help build their grants, and hopefully find them families.  Advocates as well as others get to pick a child who is currently listed on Reece's Rainbow, once you have selected the sweetest babe (Which is nearly impossible, considering they are all sweet!) you are asked to blog about them, and try your best to $1,000.   It seems like an impossible goal, but with friends and family, it's do-able!

Kaitlyn and I have both signed up to be Angel Tree Warriors for two sweet little boys, Mick and George.  Both boys have Down syndrome, also they are extremely adorable, but don't take my word for it....Have a look for yourself!

They're cute right?  We thought so too! :)   So as we told you above we have the over all goal to raise $1,000 for each of these boys, by December 31st using whatever fundraising ideas we can come up with!  So of course we will do the usual giveaway, like always, but we want to here from you guys and see what ideas you all can come up with!  We've tried an auction before, it didn't turn out to well, but I think we would be willing to give it another go!  We have also done a "Cutest Kid" contest which we had a pretty good outcome from, so we could do one of those again.  But we are always open to knew ideas, we know you all are probably bored from our constant giveaways, please share your ideas with us! :) 

Monday, October 7, 2013

All About Angel Tree

I promised that I would write a post about Angel Tree, and what exactly it is, and what it's purpose is.  

Angle Tree is a fundraising/advocating opportunity that Reece's Rainbow holds every year.  You get to go on to their site, choose a child from their list of Angel Tree Kids, and fundraise for them from November 1st - December 31st.  You are committing to this child, and trying your absolute best to raise $1000 for that child, or better yet find them a family! 

Kaitlyn and I both have signed up for a child.  Kaitlyn is an Angel Tree Warrior for Mick, who is 3 years old and has Down syndrome.  He has the chubbiest cheeks, you really just want to smother him in kisses!   I am an Angel Tree Warrior for George, who is 9 years old and also has Down syndrome.  He is so sweet, and looks like the most precious boy.  He has really gone unnoticed, and I think it's time he had some publicity and attention.   

We have done Angel Tree for 3 years now, and each year we love it more and more! :)   Planning fundraisers, and seeing these kids get families makes us the happiest girls in the world!  It's what we live for!  There will be plenty of fundraisers coming up, that will give you guys an opportunity to donate, and help these sweet boys find families!  

We hope that you all will join with us this Christmas season (Yes, we know that fall isn't over yet. ;) ) and help us reach our goals for these boys!  We love you guys, and we love Mick, and George!  So lets make this a successful Christmas! :) 

Thanks Loves! 

Have a blessed day! 
Alyssa & Kaitlyn

Sunday, October 6, 2013

New Babies, Gotcha Trips, and Angel Tree

It seems to me like Kaitlyn and I are constantly writing posts apologizing to you guys for always being absent from the blog.  Personally, I'm not okay with that.  I don't like having to constantly explain why we haven't been advocating like we should have been.  So to prevent this, I have decided to blog more often!  I know, we've said this (Many times.) before, but this time I am actually going to try and stick to it!  Our lives can get hectic but I think I can make it a point to sit down every morning and write out a post! :) 

So!  Why have we been absent this time? Well lets see, we have other personal blogs that we've gotten caught up with, Angel Tree is coming up and we have been trying to focus on that (I will write another post about that later.) Kaitlyn's family has just welcomed another precious baby girl into their family, Victoria Faith.  Victoria has had some different struggles with her first few days of life, so she has been in and out of the hospital, and Kaitlyn has been helping out with her other siblings.  Victoria is doing well now, but lets keep praying for her! :)    

I recently was asked to join a family on their 'Gotcha Trip', they needed an extra set of hands and thought I would be the perfect person to join them!  I'm overjoyed and overly excited that I get this amazing opportunity.  It will be truly eye opening to see the 'other side' of things.  As it is right now I see the advocate end of everything, I see the children's profiles, I see the fundraisers, the other advocates, the homecomings, ect.  so being able to see the kids in person, and see how these kids day to day lives are will be different, and essential to my advocating.   I think that I will have an even stronger drive to find families for these children, once I have seen the other side of things, and the less then good conditions that they are forced to live in. 

This is why Kaitlyn and I have been absent, and we will try to be more active on the blog, and Facebook page!    I mentioned Angel Tree further up in the post, I will make another post explaining what exactly that is, and how others can help! 

Have a blessed day! 
Alyssa & Kaitlyn

Raising Leilani's Ransom: Giveaway: Winners

Raising Leilani's Ransom Fundraiser is officially over!  The winners have been drawn, and will be announced further down in this post. :)

We had a total of 3 people donate to help Leilani, and we are so thankful for those three people!  Yes, Kaitlyn and I would have loved to raise more money.  But we know that God allowed us to raise the exact amount that He wanted.   Leilani will be blessed with this money, and so will her future family! :)

Thank you to all of the wonderful small business' that have donated their time and money, which made all of this possible!   Without them, we would not be able to have fundraisers like this! :)

Okay, now on to the winners!  Since we only had 3 people donate, each of those people won multiple items! :)

The Adoption Enthusiast won these items:

Blue head band, Retro Floral Tote Bag, Crocheted Hat, and TuTu dress.  We will be emailing you today or tomorrow about your prizes. :) 

Donnie Statom won these items:  

$25 Chili's gift card, and the black jewelry set from Eternally Elegant! We will be emailing you today or tomorrow about your prizes. :) 

Lisa Rowland wont these items:

Amber necklace, Beautiful scarf from The Mending Hearts Project, and the clear jewelry set from Eternally Elegant!   We will be emailing you today or tomorrow about your prizes. :) 

Thank you again to everyone that donated!  We are so grateful that we can put $72 into Leilani's grant! 

Have a blessed day! 
Alyssa, and Kaitlyn.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

WE'VE MOVED: Facebook

You might be a little confused as to why our blog is "Chosen to Bless" but our Facebook page is "John 14:18 BLOG -4Girls4Christ" or something along those lines.   And the reason for that is when our small non-profit organization was created the name of our blog was "John 14:18" and we were originally a group of 4 girls, as some of you will probably remember.  Well Alyssa and I have thought long and hard, for several months actually, about whether or not we should change our Facebook page to a more professional and fitting name such as "Chosen to Bless".     We were worried our fellow Facebook followers wouldn't reconnect with us on our new page if we were to create one but after thinking about we're deciding there are more than a few reasons we need to change our Facebook page.  

To name a couple..

There aren't 4 girls anymore, there are 2 now.

Our name isn't John 14:18, it's "Chosen to Bless"

We are also going to be helping more than just children from now.   We'll discuss more in detail in the near future.    

We're excited to have this fresh start to Chosen to Bless!  There is no better time than now to introduce you to the new and official...

                Chosen To Bless Facebook Page


Please go "like" our new page and help us reach more people that can help children all over the world be blessed! :)

Thanks for reading!!

-Kaitlyn & Alyssa

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Raising Leilani's Ransom Giveaway!

Recently you may have seen us shouting for a little princess named Leilani.  Leilani is an orphan in Eastern Europe, she has hydrocephalus, spastic tetraparesis, convulsive disorder, Hep.B, valgus feet, optic discs atrophy....Yes a whole line of special needs, but ultimately her one main need is love! We want to help get her the family that she needs and the love that she deserves!  We have asked some small business' if they would be willing to donate some of their beautiful items to our giveaway to be used as prizes,  Out of the kindness of their hearts they very generously donated one or more of their items, so that Leilani could get closer to her family! So really quickly, I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of our donors that have donated to us in the past, present, and future!  It truly means a lot to Kaitlyn and I as well as our followers and the families we fundraise for!

Q & A:

How will the fundraiser work?
You will scroll through the post, look at the items up for grabs, and then enter to win!

How do I enter?
You will donate the set amount per entree to the donation button located at the bottom of the post.

How much is the set amount per entree? 
$5 for 1 entree. $10 for 3 entries. $20 for 10 entrees.

How long will the fundraiser run? 
We will end the giveaway and draw winners on September 7th.

How will we know if we won? 
We will make a post after the giveaway has ended, that will contain a list of winners and what they won.  You will also be emailed.

Where will the money go at the end of the fundraiser? 
The total amount raised will be donated into Leilani's grant fund on Reece's Rainbow.

**NOTE: When you donate DO NOT put your name or email as hidden/anonymous.  If you do so then we can not choose you as a winner or contact you to tell you that you won.** 

The prizes that YOU could win!

                    This gorgeous teal headband was donated by the lovely shop Brianna Sophia Bows

$25 dollar gift card to one of these 4 restaurants! Thank you Mrs.Knueppel! :) 

A very generous donor donated not one item but TWO beautiful items from TakeYourFancy! :)  
We have this beautiful Golden Amber Type Beads Necklace! 

Also, from TakeYourFancy we have a beautiful Bright pink Retro Floral Tote Bag!

Shawna The Hat Lady donated this beautiful crocheted hat!  Thank you Shawna! :) 

The Mending Hearts Project, crocheted this beautiful scarf just for our giveaway!! :)  Thank you!!
Yarn Type: Loops & Threads "Charisma" Bulky Acrylic in Black Raspberry 
Measurements: 70" long plus 4" inch fringe, 4.5" wide

Tied with Love ~ Bows by Amber  has generously donated this gorgeous dress that retails for $25!  

Eternally Elegant donated these beautiful items! :) 

Eternally Elegant also donated these beautiful items! :)

Each of the small business' names are linked to their Facebook pages.  Would you hop over and give them a like, and tell them thank you? :)  Tell them we sent you! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Raising Her Ransom!

Her name is Leilani.  She is a sweet little girl, waiting alone in a scary place for a family to come to her rescue.  She waits, daily for a miracle family to come and pro claim that they are her family, and she is their daughter.  She waits.  

There is a family that wants to come to this little girls rescue, they want to restore her broken heart, and fill her heart with love.  They want to show her just how much she is worth, and show her that she belongs in a family.  

We have a baby girl, and a family, but what stands in the way?  $13,000.  Yes, money that is what stands in the way, of this little girl having the family that she deserves, and the love she has never known.   Chosen To Bless would like to ask if you, our followers, will come beside us and help raise the ransom for this tiny life.  At this time, we don't have any prizes, or cool things to offer you.  But what we do have is a little girl, waiting to be rescued, and a family that is willing to rescue her.  So lets join forces and save this little one, because with each other, and the great love of Christ we can help rescue this baby girl. 

No amount is too small, because it all helps this family get one step closer to rescuing this precious one.  Please, consider donating to help this family!  Don't forget to share this post with your friends. The more people that know about it, the better! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Contest Of Cuties In Honor Of Camden Lee.

On Thursday 8/15/13  my mom shared a story with me of a young woman just a year older than Alyssa and I (Kaitlyn).   She’s a single expecting mother named Katie.  She’s expecting a  VERY special baby boy who is going to be born without legs and only his upper arms.   

She writes this one her Facebook page:
I am trying to raise money for my baby boy’s medical expenses, I am on Tricare and the moment he is born it will not cover him at all, so I don’t know what expenses I will have with him being high-risk and disabled. I am also trying to raise money for Camden’s prosthetic arms, as they cost thousands and thousands of dollars and any other items for his use. I want to go ahead and thank everyone in advance for any donations made!! It means so much to me, and for what has already been donated, I am speechless. I feel truly blessed!!”

Alyssa and I really want to help Katie and her son, Camden Lee.   If you know anything about the two of us girls you know that we love children with special needs and disabilities.  This is our opportunity to help bless precious little Camden and his mom!
We’re going to support Katie and Camden 100 percent!

So in honor of Camden we’re opening a very special PHOTO CONTEST!! 

Here’s some helpful information on how you can enter your little guy or gal:

Q: Who can enter? 
A: We are looking for kids of all ages!  Special needs or no special needs!  

Q:How much does it cost?
$5 per photo.  You can enter as many of your children as you would like.  BUT you cannot enter the same child more than once.     

Q: How does it work?  
We’ll post all of the photos onto our Facebook page, which ever photo get’s the most “LIKES” (Thumbs up) will win! 

Q: What’s the prize? 


The second place winner of the photo contest will be the shining  facebook cover (made into a fitting banner, of course!) of our page!  And the parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or whoever you may like will get a custom made banner of that special photo JUST FOR THEIR FACEBOOK COVER! :)  

Q: How long will the contest last? 
The contest will run for 1 week, once we have enough entries. 
After you donate the $5 entree fee please,
* When you send us your photo please tell us the name of the child, their age and their favorite food! :)

*All of the money from this contest WILL BE DONATED TO KATIE AND CAMDEN*  
So please please enter and share share share this fundraiser!!  We would love to get as much money raised for them as possible!!

You can also visit Katie’s Facebook page by clicking here!  :) 

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fresh Start and...Oh Hey! We're back!

Friends!  We've moved back to the blog!  Yes, you read that right.  We will no longer be using the website, and will from now on be posting on here as well as our Facebook page.  

You are probably wondering why we would make such a drastic change, only to change back a few months later.  Well I am here to explain, and let you in on what God has been doing in our hearts!  Ready? Lets go! 

In the beginning of 2012 we had a huge, and rather successful fundraiser for the Herrington family, we raised $1,360 for this family who was adopting a little girl from Ukraine.  It was the biggest achievement that Chosen To Bless had achieved so far.  We were over joyed and happy that God allowed us to bless this family, with nothing more then a blog post and some small donated prizes!  That fundraiser made Kaitlyn and I feel like we could accomplish anything, and raise even the biggest amount of money.  So with the next fundraiser we set our sights high, and lost sight of shore.  Constantly we told ourselves that "We can do this because God will provide!" now don't get me wrong or misunderstand me...God will provide IF you are doing His will that He has planned for your life.  He will provide all that you need IF you are doing as He has asked you.  With that said...Back to my story! 

With every fundraiser we had huge expectations, those expectations never became a reality, sadly.   So we figured "Maybe we need better prize.  Then people would be sure to donate!"  so we found some donors and got ourselves an iPad to auction off.   We were ecstatic and just like before...we had expectations.   (I am no way saying that having expectations is bad, because it not and it can be a good thing!)   As we waited and shared the fundraiser occasionally we slowly started to loose sight of why we were raising this money.  We ended up raising nearly $1,000 with that iPad, and were surely convinced that the two of us could do anything as long as we had "the right prizes" then we could draw people in and get them to give money.  So with the next fundraiser what do you think we did?  If you guessed: that we bought an iPad, had high expectations, and felt like the two of us could move mountains with our bare hands.  Then you guessed right.  
You see the issues with this "We can do anything, and raise any long as we have these prizes and this website, and this, and this, and this." is that with out God?  None of this would be ours, none of this would be possible.  He is the one who makes all things good, and who deserves all the praise!  For months we had gotten so caught up in the "right prizes" and having all the "right things" that we lost sight of who made this all possible!  It's God, He is the one that gave us the iPad, the blog, and not to mention 6,000 FANTASTIC and SUPPORTIVE followers!  It was all HIM!   Kaitlyn and I were CHOSEN TO BLESS because He CHOSE US!   We don't need fancy prizes, or a fancy site, to bless these families!  All we need is God, each other and you guys!  :)  

It stinks that it took us so long to realize this but we are excited, and blessed to have this "fresh start".  We are more then ready for the next couple of months!  Really quickly I will give you guys an itty bitty look into the next few months! ;)   Angel Tree sign ups are in a few weeks, October is Down syndrome Awareness Month, and then November and December and Angel Tree fundraising months!  A lot of SUPER awesome things are coming up!  

Thank you guys so much for sticking with us on this insane, and crazy journey.  We love ALL OF YOU, and are thankful that you guys are willing to support us and the adopting families!  

Monday, March 25, 2013

We Moved!

If you're a follower on here you might have noticed we haven't updated in a while! And I'll tell you why that's so because if you don't follow us on Facebook you probably wouldn't know that, we moved!  We officially have a website now!  But don't worry!  We can still blog! ;)  It a site/blog kind of thing.  We're holding a GIANT fundraiser over there now!  

We're currently trying to add a subscribe button to the site so keep checking back, for now just bookmark it!  

The site link is....

Click the link to go check out the new site!!  Thanks for following!  It means the world to us! 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Winners Of The Giveaway!!

So first off we would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that helped this family out!  From the people who entered, to the wonderful people that donated items!  It is truly a blessing to have such wonderful people around us!   We raised $115 for the Quiambao Family!! You all that shared, prayed, and entered this giveaway helped get this family one step closer to their boys!  We thank you for that!!  Now, on to the winners!  I will hopefully be sending out emails tomorrow evening or Sunday. :)


Vintage Bulgarian Necklace - Donated by the Tanquary Family - Winner: Rhonda C.

4 Handmade Bags - Donated by Debbie S. -
Bag #1. Susan C.
Bag #1. Rhonda C.
Bag #3. Stacey L.
Bag #4. Susan C.

Brand New Relic Watch - Donated by Stephanie W. - Winner: Carin V.

2 Knitted Hats - Donated by Stephanie W. - Winner: Todd S.

Baby Pink Hair Clippy - Donated by Becoming Love - Rhonda C.

"Hope", "Live, Laugh Love" Necklace Pendants - Donated by Christiana - Winner: Christa B.

"Precious", "Glamour" Necklace Pendants - Donated by Christiana - Winner: Susan C.

Hat & Scarf Set - Donated by Christy - Winner: Stacey L.

Custom Facebok Banner - Donated by Kaitlyn's Cute Designs - Winner: Rhonda C.

Origami Owl $50 Coupon - Donated by Debbie R. - Winner: Carin V.

So it looks like those are all of our winners! I will be sending emails out this weekend, so keep an eye our for an email from ''  Thank you again for entering and keep checking back for our new fundraisers coming up!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Where He Doesn't Belong

I'm clenching my jaw, my heart is beating fast, and I am tense.  Tonight before I opened Reece's Rainbow, I had an older boy on my heart, but that was it.  Just the words "Older Boy" were on my heart.  No face. No name.  I prayed and said God please show me him. I opened the site, and went to the HIV+ 6-9 thinking I might find him.  I didn't.  I switched over to my Facebook to find that I had a message from a mom, that I had talked with a bit earlier.  She was sending me pictures and videos, of a boy that she loves so dearly, and would love to see him in a family.   His name is Jason.  I had passed over this sweet boy, on Reece's Rainbow many times before.  But he never stood out to me. I saw him and I knew his face but I didn't know him. I didn't know his story or what his life was like.   That quickly changed.

The mama sent me many photos, as well as many videos.  As I sat and clicked through the photos and read the messages full of things about this boy, I felt my heart slowly growing attached.  I felt my heart start to ache.  As she sent me links to videos of this boy, I started watching them, and reading more about him.  My heart was slowly breaking, and attaching to him.

I filled with anger, and sadness as she told me he spends most of his time locked in a crib, and tied down.   I watched the many videos, and I chatted with her.  I knew this was the boy God put on my heart.  I knew he was the one that I would help rescue.  I knew he was the one, because I sit here and type this with eyes filled with tears.  I just knew.   I messaged Kaitlyn and said "We need to help this boy." I sent her the videos, and with in minutes she replied back and said "I want to be a part of his story."  I couldn't help but repeat the words "He is in a crib.  Tied to it.  He is 10.  And in a crib."  It's not right.  He cannot continue to live like this.  He just can't.

The marks on the side of his head are from him banging his head on the side of the crib.  It's called self stimulation.  He has been left alone for so long that he rocks, and self abuses just to feel something.  In many of the videos he will use his hand and rapidly hit the side of the crib, or the floor.  He does anything to feel alive, right now this sweet boy is merely existing   He isn't living, because he has been forgotten.  He has no life outside of that crib.  He has been tucked away into the dark corners of the world, and left to die.  He is not worthy of life in his country.   He isn't loved, or wanted.

Do you see that smile?  Do you see that Jason has not given up hope?  Do you see that he is waiting for a family to choose him?  Do you see the sparkle in Jason's eyes?  Do you see what I see?  A little boy full of life, just waiting to blossom and be loved.  He is waiting for someone to take a step in faith and come to his rescue.  Jason turns 10 on April 10th.  He doesn't looks 10 does he?  Well he is.  That is 10 first birthdays that went un-noticed.  That is 10 first Christmas' that he can never get back.  10 years of his life spent locked away, in a place where he doesn't belong.  Please help Kaitlyn, and I make this Jason's last birthday alone. This time next year, I want him in a family, being loved and cherished.  Forever and ever.

With God by our side, nothing can stop us or prevent us from finding this boy his family.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Valentine's Day Sweetest Photo Contest

Alyssa and I were talking to each other through Skype the other night and we wanted to do something special for Valentines day.  A fundraiser that was sweet and short.  Together we came up with the idea of a "Sweetest Photo Contest" for Valentines day.

Here's how it works!  

If you have or are related to a child with special needs such as Down syndrome and etc, then you can enter!  

$5 per child and one photo entry.  

Ages are from 0 months- 10 years old can enter.  

Send us a photo @

Send the sweetest photo you have of your little one with special needs, be sure to tell us the name of the child and give us your email too. (For us to contact to you. :) ) 

We will have "CHIPIN" button of the side of our blog that will say "Photo Contest" or something close to it.  Send us your child's photo via email and then donate the $5 to the CHIPIN! 

We will post the photos on our Facebook page along with the child's first name.  Which ever child's photo has the more "Likes" (Also known as "thumbs up") will WIN the prize that will be announced later on.  So be sure share your photo with your friends! :) 

**NOTE:  Please only send us photos that do not have a copyright on them.  So no professional photos please!** 

Thursday, January 24, 2013


So the family we chose is the Quiambao family!  They are adopting 2 little boys, Josiah and Fletcher. Both of their little boys were born with Down syndrome. :)  Here is a little about the family!
"Marvin and Angel have been married for 11 years and have 5 wonderful children. As much as God has already blessed them, they have always felt called to adopt. They could not, however, because Marvin is in the military and was deployed for long periods of time. During those years of waiting, they were content to pray for and support many friends in their adoptions. They are excited that their family is in a much more stable place and can finally experience the joy of an adoption of their own. They cannot wait to bring their new sons home!"  So this family should be traveling to meet their sons soon!  We want to bless them big time!  Check out the items listed bellow, and consider entering to help this family out!  

Entree Cost: {$5-1} {$10-5} ($20-10} 
How This Works:  When you buy an entree you are entered to win any of the items we have listed below. The more entrees you buy the better chance you have at winning!  The giveaway will go on for 2 weeks. When the giveaway ends Kaitlyn and I (Alyssa) will take the time to choose winners using Random.Org  we will then announce the winners.  We will be contacting the winner via email, so be sure to keep checking to see if you received and email from! :) 

They sound like a wonderful family huh?  I was so excited when Mrs.Quiambao, gave us permission to bless them!  So lets help this family bring their sweet boys home! :) 

Who's ready to bless a family? :D 


A Vintage Bulgarian stamped necklace, donate by Mrs.Tanquary! :)  

We have 4 handmade bag, that were donated by a fellow follower Debbie!  Thank you!! :) 

A brand new Relic Watch, donated by Stephanie W.! 

2 wonderful knitted hats also donated by Stephanie W.! 

A 'Baby Pink' hair flower donated by Becoming Love! :)

This wonderful (And extremely cute!) Hat and scarf set!  Thank you Christy!

Kaitlyn's Cute Designs  donated a CUSTOM Facebook Timeline Cover, you can add as many photos and colors as you'd like! 

A $50 Origami Owl coupon donate by Debbie R.  Thank you!! :D
(Photo credit goes to Origami Owl.)