Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fresh Start and...Oh Hey! We're back!

Friends!  We've moved back to the blog!  Yes, you read that right.  We will no longer be using the website, and will from now on be posting on here as well as our Facebook page.  

You are probably wondering why we would make such a drastic change, only to change back a few months later.  Well I am here to explain, and let you in on what God has been doing in our hearts!  Ready? Lets go! 

In the beginning of 2012 we had a huge, and rather successful fundraiser for the Herrington family, we raised $1,360 for this family who was adopting a little girl from Ukraine.  It was the biggest achievement that Chosen To Bless had achieved so far.  We were over joyed and happy that God allowed us to bless this family, with nothing more then a blog post and some small donated prizes!  That fundraiser made Kaitlyn and I feel like we could accomplish anything, and raise even the biggest amount of money.  So with the next fundraiser we set our sights high, and lost sight of shore.  Constantly we told ourselves that "We can do this because God will provide!" now don't get me wrong or misunderstand me...God will provide IF you are doing His will that He has planned for your life.  He will provide all that you need IF you are doing as He has asked you.  With that said...Back to my story! 

With every fundraiser we had huge expectations, those expectations never became a reality, sadly.   So we figured "Maybe we need better prize.  Then people would be sure to donate!"  so we found some donors and got ourselves an iPad to auction off.   We were ecstatic and just like before...we had expectations.   (I am no way saying that having expectations is bad, because it not and it can be a good thing!)   As we waited and shared the fundraiser occasionally we slowly started to loose sight of why we were raising this money.  We ended up raising nearly $1,000 with that iPad, and were surely convinced that the two of us could do anything as long as we had "the right prizes" then we could draw people in and get them to give money.  So with the next fundraiser what do you think we did?  If you guessed: that we bought an iPad, had high expectations, and felt like the two of us could move mountains with our bare hands.  Then you guessed right.  
You see the issues with this "We can do anything, and raise any money...as long as we have these prizes and this website, and this, and this, and this." is that with out God?  None of this would be ours, none of this would be possible.  He is the one who makes all things good, and who deserves all the praise!  For months we had gotten so caught up in the "right prizes" and having all the "right things" that we lost sight of who made this all possible!  It's God, He is the one that gave us the iPad, the blog, and not to mention 6,000 FANTASTIC and SUPPORTIVE followers!  It was all HIM!   Kaitlyn and I were CHOSEN TO BLESS because He CHOSE US!   We don't need fancy prizes, or a fancy site, to bless these families!  All we need is God, each other and you guys!  :)  

It stinks that it took us so long to realize this but we are excited, and blessed to have this "fresh start".  We are more then ready for the next couple of months!  Really quickly I will give you guys an itty bitty look into the next few months! ;)   Angel Tree sign ups are in a few weeks, October is Down syndrome Awareness Month, and then November and December and Angel Tree fundraising months!  A lot of SUPER awesome things are coming up!  

Thank you guys so much for sticking with us on this insane, and crazy journey.  We love ALL OF YOU, and are thankful that you guys are willing to support us and the adopting families!  

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