Friday, November 8, 2013

The Other Side

Angel Tree officially started on November 1st, and many warriors have been scrambling to raise money for their Angel Tree Child!  It is so exciting to see everyone rally together to raise funds and awareness for these kids!  It's truly a beautiful picture, when all the hands and feet are moving together, to help rescue these little ones!

Kaitlyn has so far raised $130.50 for Mick!  She is doing really well, and has been making Facebook cover photos and selling them to raise her funds for Mick! I love seeing her so diligently work to raise this money for Mick, she really loves him!  As for myself I have only managed to raise $4.50 for George.  It's an extremely small amount, but I'm still thankful for it.  I'm praying that people have open and generous hearts this Christmas season, and are willing and able to donate to an Angel Tree child.

I would like to ask you guys to pray for myself in these coming weeks, I will be leaving on Wednesday morning to venture with an adopting family to bring home their little ones from Bulgaria!  Yes, it's an extremely amazing opportunity and I am more than thankful that I can go!  I will be gone for about 10 days, on what will be the most amazing experience of my life!   I ultimately get two beautiful blessings in one, because I get to meet my very first Angel Tree child Keith, who has now been home for over a year and is thriving and growing in a beautiful family!

What an amazing transformation huh?  I'm excited to meet Keith, and the rest of his family! Like I said before, this is a HUGE blessing!   It's every advocates dream to be able to see the "Other side" of the whole adoption process.  We see the pictures, and the waiting kids, we see the dedicated warriors, and families fighting to get these kids home, but we don't usually see the other side of things.  We don't see the inside of the orphanages, or the hundreds of kids laying in cribs, the kids that don't get the blessing of being listed on an adoption photo listing, we don't get to see the horrible state that these kids are forced to live in.  So for me to be able to see this, and have my heart break for the same things that break God's heart, I am blessed.  I am blessed to be broken, and moved in such a way that drives me to make change.  

So I recommend that you keep checking back to see my post on the trip, and lots of pictures!  Also, consider donating to Mick or George, while I'm out of country I wont be on the blog or Facebook much so I can't fund-raise for George!  So I need you guys to help me out! :) 

Thanks for being beautiful!  We love all of our followers! :) 

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