Thursday, April 26, 2012

Down Right Perfect Project: This Ones For the Orphans!

If you've been on our Facebook Page recently you've probably noticed how big our "Down Right Perfect" album has gotten, & I personally am THRILLED about it, to say the least.   This project is one of my dreams literally coming to life before my very eyes!  I'm spreading Down syndrome awareness faster than ever!  I'm only sixteen years old & have gotten to experience a page go from just dozens of "likes" to almost 2,000 in just months!  It's  simply incredible..that's the only way I know to put how I feel into words.   So I've gotten the spreading Down syndrome awareness part down..(for now)
But there's another desire in my heart.  It's spreading Orphan Down syndrome awareness.   Did you know there are over 147 MILLION orphans in our world today?  And yes, some of those orphans do have Down syndrome.  And in some countries the parents have no choice but to put their child with Down syndrome (and other disabilities) up for adoption.  :(  It's a sad but true thing.   My goal, my mission, the 4Girls4Christ purpose is to end this!  To find all orphans their forever families.  We all four this is what God has called us to do.  These are His children & as Christians it is our job to serve our God in this way.  I praise God & thank Him for leading me here to where I am, everyday! :)  

So my idea here is to specially make a "Down Right Perfect: Orphan" project!  That is specially for orphans with Down syndrome!   The frame style is a lot like the regular Down Right Perfect frame.  Only instead of a star on the side it's a heart on both right & left sides.  Under the saying "Down Right Perfect" is the lettering "I Am an Orphan"   Under that is the orphans name.    Everyone is welcomed to send us the photo of your little orphan & we'll make a frame for your perfect angel!    I am a Prayer Warrior for nine little orphans with Down syndrome & all have a very special place in my heart.  I call them "my" nine butterflies.  Precious in His sight...and mind!

Email the photo to:

And I will continue to make the original Down Right Perfect pictures but please don't feel offended if I don't make it or get it up right away.  I've been so busy out of my mind lately.  There is barely a moment of freedom, which is when I work on all these projects.  I'll try to get them all posted as soon as possible!  

Thanks for your support & reading!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Right Now? We are Failing.

"This little girl has less than 2 wks left to find a family before her file goes back. When it goes back, we as Christians have failed. I hate to sound mean, but it is just true. We will confirm for the people at "THE BAD PLACE" that Christians in America don't want her or value these children either. It is making me sick! Please pray, share, and donate!!! Someone GO FOR HER!!! A mom who met her recently said she did visually track her, so she has some vision. She was sweet and beautiful. She smiled to show her pleasure in being held. PLEASE HELP HER GET OUT OF THE BAD PLACE!!!"- Amanda Unroe.

The little girl she is talking about was brought to my attention just last week.  She stole my heart & I now refer to her as "My little sister".  She is precious, adorable, lovable, & wants nothing more then to have a mommy to love on her.  As Amanda said, in 2 weeks Sarah's profile will go back & her chances of finding a family will be lost.  She will become bedridden & waste away in a place where she is not wanted.  She will never know love, happiness or laughter.  My heart breaks, the updated pictures of her from March are terrible.  She is crying.  Yes there are tears falling from her sweet eyes.  She is so scared...I can only imagine how she feels every moment of everyday.  We as Christians will FAIL if someone does not go & SAVE this poor girl!!  She is someones daughter, & you CANNOT just leave her there!!  She will die.  She will not survive!  PLEASE!!  It breaks a big sisters heart when your little sister is crying & you cannot do anything about it!!  Don't leave her!! VISIT HER PROFILE!! Right this very second!  Commit to adopting her!  BRING HER HOME!!


Has your heart broken into a million pieces yet?  Are you going to GO GET YOUR DAUGHTER?


Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Night Fan Party- COME JOIN!

Hey hey!!  Kaitlyn here!  So if you are an older follower of us you probably remember my "Friday Night Fan Parties" or something like that.   Well, I'm holding another one tonight on both our Facebook page & blog!

What this is exactly is that we will post a photo on our Facebook page & request everyone "Shares" or "Repost" it!  

The goal here is to reach a certain amount of "Likes" or "Followers" by midnight.  If we reach the goal we will giveaway a prize that will be announced Saturday (Or late tonight, depending on how we do)  !!!!

We currently have 31 BLOG FOLLOWERS on here!   Can we get more tonight?  "Share" & ask people to "Like"  You might even win a prize! :)

Facebook Fan Night

Go on to our Facebook, here, & repost or share this photo  to the right.  (The photo will already be posted on our page, don't use this one on..just go find it on our page, please.)

Our goal is to reach 1,700 "LIKES" by midnight.
The reason why is to raise Down syndrome awareness & orphans with DS awareness.  

As you might already know that we are holding a giveaway on THIS blog & another wonderful family on another blog.  This will help us raise money for their adoptions.  So PLEASE share this! :)

When we reach 1,700 "LIKES" we will giveaway the prize to ONE facebook fan!!!!  Stay tuned & SHARE THE FACEBOOK PHOTO!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

We Believe..

Recently our Facebook page has received a few negative & rude comments on our photo's.   There is no doubt here, that Satan is trying his hardest to break us apart &make us give up.  Call it quits!  But boy do we have news for you devil!  We ain't leaving!  We're not giving up!     No way.  It isn't even an option!

I want to kindly explain this one thing many people are finding offensive on our Facebook page, our abortion photo's that we have reposted from other pages.  

In most peoples cases they are all "anti-abortion" & that causes most people to think that we too are that way.  Please do not take the reposted photo's offensive in anyway.  We aren't out to get people who have had abortions.   And we certainly are not trying to "force" people to do as we believe.
The reason we post the "Against Abortion"  photo's is simply because the four of us know that in the Bible it says not to murder & in abortion is killing an innocent human being & no matter what anyone says that is indeed killing a human.  It is living breathing human being, that dies innocent.  With that being said it's like murdering in our eyes.
By posting the photo's we hope to encourage more people to lean towards adoption instead of abortion.  Because everyone deserves a chance to live.

All we are saying here is please, no hard feelings.  We are just supporting what we believe in.   Trust us, we aren't asking for a war here, or to start a fight, we just want to help save little babies lives.  That's all we want. :)

And I imagine that this question has crossed a few of  your minds before, when crossing our page, "Are these teenage girls using these orphans to get publicity?" or "Are they using Christ to get publicity?"  I'm so thankful that I can honestly say, no we are not doing any of the above.
Publicity is something the four of us have has absolutely no desire in.  We only have two reasons to desire publicity. 1. To spread the word & love of our heavenly Father, Jesus Christ.  2. To spread the awareness of the orphans with Down syndrome, so that children will no longer have to suffer just because God made them a little more extra special then the rest of us.

We really do hope you understand our point here.  To make more peace on our page & less negative & rudeness.  We never ever have any intention on hurting or "forcing" anyone with ANYTHING we do!  We thank you so much for reading this & we hope you agree with us & will continue to follow us in our journey to saving more innocent children of God! <3 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


We opened a SHOP not too long ago here on our blog, made JUST FOR Archie & Juliette!    We have a ton of cute jewelry items for sale, & I'm almost certain EVERYTHING is under $10!   And at the very least  80 PERCENT of the profit made will go towards Archie & Juliette's adoption funds, for their future forever families.    

We have a NEW Facebook page, dedicated to the SHOP!  Be sure to go "LIKE" FACEBOOK PAGE HERE!!

And we DO NOT have a little page link at the top of our blog, but if you look to the RIGHT side bar you will see our little "SHOP" sign there, just live the one shown above.   There you will find all our items on sale.  

Here are a couple of items on display, remember that you can have your jewelry customized exactly the way you want it, with special wording, different color or length of beads.

If you are interested in purchasing an item email us @

Archie & Juliette

Our little Archie & Juliette are well over due for a special blog post dedicated specially for them!  :)  As a matter of fact, our dear blog followers probably haven't "met" little miss Juliette yet!  No worries! I'll introduce both of the little ones to you!

If you're new to following us you probably didn't know that the four of us girls are a Prayer Warrior for these two cuties!  

Our little man, Archie!!  Boy! Isn't he a total cutie!?  When I say "I can't believe he hasn't been snatched up!" I really really do mean it!  Look at this gorgeous boy!  It breaks my heart to know that he has never known what real love is.  He has no clue of what it feels like to be hugged & kissed.  NO IDEA!    4Girls4Christ wants to change that!  Because we know that with our forever faithful God we can rescue Archie!  We're going to "share" his picture & sell as much jewelry from our SHOP & donate it to he & Juliette's adoption funds!
Here is what Archie's profile says about him:
Date of Birth: July 2008
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gray
Hair: blonde
Nature: Quiet, medically healthy (besides DS)


From missionaries who know him:    "The boy has very tender, affectionate, cheerful and forgiving personality.  He does not hesitate approaching to people and looks with interest at what they are doing and truly tries to emulate. He is doing it in such a cute way that these attempts turn out to be very funny to watch! Ilya does not speak yet but he is showing some progress in speaking.
The whole world is like a puzzle to him. When he hears a sound whether by tram or car – it is the whole event in his life. He stops and looks to the side, where sound occurs. When he is given toys he can play alone and will quietly deal with himself, allowing the rest to others.
The child needs tactile sensations very much. He loves to cuddle and be cuddled. He is not doing it in a demanding, but gently and neat way. He is independent and if falls he not waiting for help from an adult. He's just not accustomed to it and is not expecting that it someone might be interested in him.  He found his simple way for tactile sensations: he is touching his palm with something soft.
Ilya responds quickly to someone’s smile with a soft laughter.   He is not potty trained yet but in a family will pick it up quickly. He is very friendly with the kids but at the same time he can stand up for himself; if someone takes away a toy from him, Ilya will follow the offender, trying to get it back. Ilya loves to eat. If we go for a walk, everyone pays attention to his cheeks, cute little hamster! Ilya does not like to run or play sporty games, he prefers quiet games with toys."


If you ask me I'd say his description would equal Down Right PERFECT! <3  Wouldn't you just LOVE to see Archie with his forever family???  I know I do!!  Please help us find them, by "sharing" this post, or his RR (Reece's Rainbow) profile onto your Facebook, Twitter, Email, or blog!  ANYTHING will help & DOES make a difference!   
And I can't stress to you enough to PLEASE share our SHOP page too!  We're so desperate to do more for Archie, we've raised $40 for him so far, through selling our items.   


Look at her!!!  Goodness don't you want to pick her up into your arms & shower her chubby little cheeks with billions of kisses?!  Well, I know the four of us girls certainly do!  Juliette is not only new to RR but is also new to "our" blog family!  Juliette is our new little sister, just like we consider Archie as our little brother.  These two children both have Down syndrome, or as we like to call it, "Down Right Perfect".    They are not related in any way what so ever.  Though we have been asked a couple of times if they were twins.  Lol.  They're both cute & have chubby faces!  So that most be where people get the idea of them being siblings.  On our blog we will consider them to be "siblings" due to the fact they are our brothers & sisters in Christ.  God doesn't make mistakes, He made Juliette & Archie, PERFECTLY! <3 
I want to give you a little more information on Juliette from her RR page:
  • Married couples only (married at least 2 1/2 years)
  • Parents must be 18 years older than child
  • Parents over age 50 will be considered on an individual basis
  • Two unrelated children can be adopted together
  • Two trips are required
  • Both parents must travel for the first trip (approx 5-7 days)
  • Only one parent for the second trip (10-12 business days)"

And another Down Right Perfect child!  :) 
Girl, born August 2007
Down syndrome, congenital heart disease - atrial septal defect, hemodynamically significant.  Heart surgery is needed in her future.

What a lovely little girl!
Some medical information available.  This picture is from March 2012."

Another Down Right Perfect child!!   She currently has $10 towards her adoption fund.   The 4Girls4Christ team plan & pray to change that as well!  And find her a forever family that will treat her like a little princess should be treated!  

Will you help us save Archie & Juliette?  Will you click the "SHARE" button, & spread their awareness?  

Will you donate to their adoption funds by purchasing an item from the SHOP?  

Will you pray for Archie & Juliette?

Thank you for taking a few minutes of your time to read this, whether you know it or not, you did make a difference! :)  


Friday, April 6, 2012

Waiting Babies :)

So it's Alyssa here!  I wanted to share some sweet babies with you guys! :D  They are newly listed on Reece's Rainbow! Also some sweet babes that have been listed for a while who have been on my heart! Did I mention that they are SUPER cute? They are also in search of a momma & papa! ;)
So here they are!


Girl, Born November 2011

Sweet Susan!!   She is HEALTHY outside of her Down syndrome.

Married couples only, large families and older parents welcome, travel required.   More photos available.


Boy, Born January 2012

Gage is just a sweet pea!  So young, and needing his forever family.

From his medical records:  DS, open oval window,  hydronephrosis

Married couples only, larger families and older parents welcome, travel required.  More photos available.


Vincent DOES have siblings.  They are not available to be adopted.
The boy was born in August 2011.
Diagnosis: Down syndrome


Boy was born in April 2010
Diagnosis: Down syndrome


Date of Birth: May 2009
Gender: Female
No siblings
Nature: Calm
Down syndrome, heart condition

This little love is not feeling well lately — she's in URGENT NEED of heart surgery :(

Girl was born in September 2010

So as you can see most of these sweet babes don't have a lot of info.  This is what they are known by... :(  Just some words & a picture.  No one knows there favorite games & how much they would LOVE snuggling.  So lets change that! :D Lets find homes & living families for these sweet babies! :D

Thursday, April 5, 2012

All Girls Party- Waiting List

Kaitlyn here! :)  I was going through the ages 0-2 Down syndrome girls page, that's normal because almost every night I'm on that page. <3   They're all just so special to me!!  I really felt like writing this post, on all the many little D/S orphan babies of Reece's Rainbow.

It's an ALL GIRLS party post today! 


Meet gorgeous little Rebekah!  With piercing blue eyes! And bright pink lips!  Oh how she is still an orphan I have honestly NO CLUE!  She is too beautiful to be wasted away in a rotten old orphanage!  It's just sicking to think.  Although I can't judge though, the mother probably had no choice but to put her up for adoption.  And praise God she wasn't aborted! <3  I hope & pray that one day someone will get the chance to be blessed by this baby!  God makes NO mistakes!  He will hold baby Bekah in His arms forever.  No matter what.  

Rebekah was born January 2010 just two years old & waiting for her for her forever family to pick her up into their arms & love her forever!!  I wish I could be the proud mother of her & the lucky mama to kiss those rose red cheek! <3  

If she lived in my area I could totally see me setting up play dates for her & my one year old brother, Andrew!  They could almost be twins! :)  <3      Rebekah has $1,764  in her adoption grant.   As you might already know she has Down syndrome & a heart defect.    She needs a family BADLY!!  Please be praying for her if you are able to!  She needs them badly.

To View Rebekah's RR profile CLICK HERE


Sparkling little Ashlyn!  Another gorgeous little girl still waiting for the forever family to commit to adopting her.  Again, I have NO CLUE how dazzling Ashlyn is still an orphan!  It truly blows my mind!  Anyone would be overly BLESSED to have baby Ashlyn as their daughter! <3  She has lovely blonde hair & blue blue eyes, just stunning!  I have big feelings for her that God will find her forever family!  <3 I pray that feeling is right!  Ashlyn has a Down syndrome & a heart defect & a few other disabilities.   
Her profile states that she loves to music & sings too.  How sweet!  
She also can walk & talk!  Precious!  She's (Like all children with D/S) is what I like to call Down Right PERFECT! :)  

Ashlyn was born November 2009, almost three years old & never ever felt TRUE love before in her life!  Never been told a bedtime story, tucked in bed, kissed goodnight, never before has she felt that. 
Let's try super hard to change that!  Pray for her & SHARE this post!  It will make a difference!   

To View Ashlyn's RR profile CLICK HERE


Precious little Margaret!  She is like a little "Precious Moments" charter!  Is she not?!   :)  Another blue eyed girly!  Simply gorgeous!  My little sister Madison (13) is her Prayer Warrior & loves this little angel with all her heart!  Margaret was listed on "My Family Found Me" page a few months ago, we were SO HAPPY. Sadly she was later taken off. It turned out God had other plans for little Margaret. -Sigh- I only wish I know exactly what it was.  Margaret looks so fragile and lonesome in her picture.  It tears me, absolutely tears me apart to imagine her staying in a crib tied down all day!  With NO ONE to love her, hug her, kiss her & put a smile on that scared little face.  If you know someone looking into adoption I hope you will suggest Margaret to them.  She needs a family so badly!  I'm so afraid of what could happen to really scares me.  I know God has her in His perfect arms & will protect her, but still I guess I'm only human so I worry.  I wish I could do more for her then this post & maybe I will in the future, Lord willing! :)   Please pray for Margaret!  And 'share' this post!  It will help!!   She has $1,414 in her grant.  And was born in 2011. So little to be so alone. </3   Again I beg for prayers for her & the others. 


 Meet Dottie!  How could you not fall in love with that face???  I know I've already fallen for it! <3  She was listed to Reece's Rainbow not too long ago, but I was sure she would have been swooped up in no time.  But a few months later..she still waits for the family God made for her to commit to her.  

View her RR profile here HERE!!!!

It seems I've ran out of time.  Please share & pray for these girls!  I love them so much & I'm sure you probably do too after seeing their faces & hearing their stories.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Waiting For A Light..

Hey, Kaitlyn here!  I'm going to make it a goal to get better at sharing Reece's Rainbow orphans & many others.  I've been lazy about updating some blogs.  I really need to change that.  I want to promise that I'll make a "waiting children" list/post everyday but being a sophomore in high school & the oldest of 14 children in the family my life can be a tad bit busy. :)  Not complaining though.  Instead I'll make a small goal of trying to make a "waiting children" list/post at the least ONCE a week! :)  

Waiting Children these children I'm showing you today are located in Russia Region 02.  


First precious little cutie I'd like to share with you would be Yana!  My friend (And fellow 4Girls4Christ team member) Alyssa is little Yana's Prayer Warrior.   Yana reminds me SO much of my baby sister, Olivia.
Which makes her even more special to me.  Yana was listen on "My Family Found Me" page not very long ago.  We were heartbroken to find she was re-listed.  Her family must have not made it through to adopting/committing to her. :( 

Yana was born May 2011 & sadly a little less than a year later she's still, never felt true love before in her life.    

Yana has Down syndrome but is healthy!!!  She's so adorable how could you not help her out? :)   Please help Alyssa pray for Yana.  Of course the rest of us 3 girls will be praying too.  

To veiw her Yana's Reece's Rainbow profile Click Here!


Meet Andrew!  He has stunning blue eyes!!  And a precious glowing face, just waiting for a mother to come kiss his rose red cheek!  Andrew reminds me of my little 2 year old brother, Caleb but shares the name with my baby brother, Andrew. ;)  (I know, each child will remind me of one of my siblings often..)

Andrew was born, September 2007
That means he's 4 & turning 5 this year.  That means he'll be facing the Adult Institution this year or sooner!! :(
That's HORRIBLE!!  

Andrew has a grant of $2,185!  That's an awesome start! And we know plenty of people that would be willing to help raise money for a family wanting to commit to adopting him.

To view Andrew's Reece's Rainbow profile CLICK HERE


Oh little Tristan!  How I love this little one so much!  My "little" sister, Kristen (14) is Tristan's Prayer Warrior. She loves this child to death, along with Cain her other little boy. :)
She's so committed to praying for this little one, I can't tell you how much she hopes he or Cain is adopted soon!  Both have waited so long.  Desiring that love they've never felt.

Tristan  was born May 2009 is still waiting for his family!!

Could anyone save him, Yana & Andrew?!

I beg you to pray for this little guy & share this post so people can read about him.  Possibly his forever family will find him through you sharing about him!  Wouldn't that be wonderful?!
To view Tristan's Reece's Rainbow profile CLICK HERE!

All of theses little angels & many more can be found on in the RUSSIA REGION 02.
Take a few minutes to view all the many many waiting children, longing for a family to love them & commit to adopting them.  

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