Friday, April 4, 2014

Sponsorship Program!

      Hey there! Madeleine here. :) If you're reading this, you're probably familiar with us girls here at Chosen to Bless. And you know that we love you with all our hearts! You all have been the most supportive, helpful, encouraging, and uplifting friends we could possibly ask for! Every penny you have ever donated, every kind-hearted comment you leave for us, every bit of it makes our hearts so full!
     This month, we want to offer you a completely new opportunity. We are looking to create a Chosen to Bless Sponsor Team! Here's the plan...

  1. For just $5/month, YOU can help provide Start-Up funds for Give-Aways and Prizes. YOU can help bump families over who aren't *quite* to our goal for them by the end of the month (Obviously, this is never our goal, but it does happen sometimes, and we would love to be able to boost them over a milestone or checkpoint when we can, and a Back-Up Fund is just exactly what we need to do that for our dear, dear families). And if there's a medical emergency for an RR Kiddo, or for one of our beloved Chosen to Bless families, we would *love* to have a little extra cash to help support them and show them love.
  2. THIS Month (April 2014), our family is small, but PERFECT. Ms. Obenauf is adopting gorgeous Zola (see her precious picture below). We can't wait to support her, and help bring her home to her wonderful Mama. 
  3. If you sign up this month, all the money from your registration will go straight to Ms. Obenauf's adoption fund. THIS IS OUR MAIN FUNDRAISER FOR HER FAMILY. Registration/Sign-up cost is $10, but Monthly Sponsorship is $5, always. We won't flip that around on you or raise it. $10 to sign up, and $5 from there out.

    Registration opens tomorrow, Saturday, April 5th, 2014. Please, please prayerfully consider registering as an Official Chosen to Bless sponsor! We will likely have News Letters, Insider Updates, and maybe even prizes for sponsors in the near future, so please consider stepping up as a sponsor, and keep an eye out for a post tomorrow with Registration Details.

    Thank you all, from the bottoms of our hearts. We really, really do love you!

    -The Chosen to Bless Team.

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