Friday, May 11, 2012

Winners Of The Giveaway!

Sorry it took us sooo long to get the list of winners up!  We have been busy!  But anywho we raised $200 dollars for the Andersons family! Woo hoo!  I know that they are VERY thankful for everyone that gave!  Whether you gave, donations, or prayers, or prizes they are SO thankful for it all!  & Now our winners are!

Drum Roll Please...........................................................................................................................................

Sierra Michaels –Baby Car seat strap covers
Rebecca Harris- Touch Of Charm necklace
Beth Herrington- JusTrust Clothing
Stephanie L.Burt- “Family” Photo Frame
Lillian Schoenhals- $50 Ruby Dot Designs
Mandy King- Time Well Spent Gift Card
Laurie Young- Target Gift Card
Christia Gates-  It’s A Girl Thing Bow
Lillian Schoenhals- Soap Bars

Yay! So if your name was on that list please email us @  so that we can get your prize to you!  Again a HUGE thank you to everyone that gave to this giveaway!  Stay tuned for the next family we will fundraise for! :) 


  1. Stephanie Burt is oneof my best friends so I will hand deliver her the picture frame! Small world! As soon as you can get me the address ofthe winner ofthe Ruby designs and I will get it out as soon aswe get home from Ukraine:) Can I donate the Justrust prize back to you beautiful girls for your next family??

  2. Thanks Mrs.Herrington! & Yes you may do that! We have people do that all the time :)


"Use your voice for kindness, your ears for compassion, your hands for charity, your mind for truth, and your heart for love."

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