Friday, February 8, 2013

Winners Of The Giveaway!!

So first off we would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that helped this family out!  From the people who entered, to the wonderful people that donated items!  It is truly a blessing to have such wonderful people around us!   We raised $115 for the Quiambao Family!! You all that shared, prayed, and entered this giveaway helped get this family one step closer to their boys!  We thank you for that!!  Now, on to the winners!  I will hopefully be sending out emails tomorrow evening or Sunday. :)


Vintage Bulgarian Necklace - Donated by the Tanquary Family - Winner: Rhonda C.

4 Handmade Bags - Donated by Debbie S. -
Bag #1. Susan C.
Bag #1. Rhonda C.
Bag #3. Stacey L.
Bag #4. Susan C.

Brand New Relic Watch - Donated by Stephanie W. - Winner: Carin V.

2 Knitted Hats - Donated by Stephanie W. - Winner: Todd S.

Baby Pink Hair Clippy - Donated by Becoming Love - Rhonda C.

"Hope", "Live, Laugh Love" Necklace Pendants - Donated by Christiana - Winner: Christa B.

"Precious", "Glamour" Necklace Pendants - Donated by Christiana - Winner: Susan C.

Hat & Scarf Set - Donated by Christy - Winner: Stacey L.

Custom Facebok Banner - Donated by Kaitlyn's Cute Designs - Winner: Rhonda C.

Origami Owl $50 Coupon - Donated by Debbie R. - Winner: Carin V.

So it looks like those are all of our winners! I will be sending emails out this weekend, so keep an eye our for an email from ''  Thank you again for entering and keep checking back for our new fundraisers coming up!